Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Daily Deal Sites Must Locally Target to be Successful

CONSUMERS BUY LOCALLY. If you give them a Daily Deal with a great deal, sure they may drive across town...but they're never coming back. The name of the game is building new repeat business. If you target consumers who live close by, then the chances of them coming back are exponentially greater!

In order to geographically target people who live close by the "deal" then you need a GeoTargeted Marketing Company. GeoMailers can get new sign-ups in any area you need.

Coffee Shops...3 mi radius
Big Box Stores....10-15 mi radius
Gyms...5-7 mi radius

Just some food for thought.

- Matt Hobbes


  1. Yes, I agree. For more local deals, you can visit DealHijack

  2. This post is genius and can be applied to almost every other business' marketing plan. Thanks for the tips.

    video Email
